Villa Therese Catholic Clinic
219 Cathedral Place
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 983-8561



VTCC Strategic Plan


Villa Therese Catholic Clinic Strategic Plan
2011 – 2014

As a result of strategic planning in 2010, the board and staff of Villa Therese Clinic have adopted the following three year (2011 – 2014) plan.


Mission, Vision and Values

Our mission is to promote the healing ministry of Jesus among his poor through programs designed to meet basic medical and social well-being needs – the main outreach being toward children. We are committed to respect individuals and their human dignity; to provide caring service for each individual; to support and promote life; to witness Christian values; to strive for competence in performance of services; and to work in cooperation with other helping agencies.

Villa Therese Catholic Clinic will measure and improve Quality, Satisfaction, Business Literacy (Operations & Financials), and Community Value to provide feedback to our volunteers, confidence to our donors, compliance with regulatory reporting, and assurance that our clients are receiving the best possible healthcare.

The following KEY Strategies have been identified as areas of focus for this Strategic Plan.


KEY Strategies