Donation are welcome


Villa Therese Catholic Clinic
219 Cathedral Place
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 983-8561



Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a “free” clinic?
A: A free clinic is a medical facility offering health care on a free or very low-cost basis for individuals having little or no insurance.

Q: Who are the patients that VTCC serves?
A: Uninsured or underinsured children, birth to eighteen years of age. We offer limited service to adults.

Q: What federal and state requirements must be met by VTCC?
A: The Clinic is licensed as an outpatient limited diagnostic and treatment center and is licensed by the New Mexico Board of Pharmacy to dispense medications. Federal certification is maintained for CLIA purposes. The Clinic also adheres to requirements for malpractice insurance coverage under the Health Resource Services Administration’s FTCA (Federal Torts Claim Act) coverage.

Q: What are VTCC’s sources of funding?
A: The Clinic is funded by individual and community donations, grants, and through fundraising activities.

Q: How can I help?
A: We can use your help in many ways. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Teresa Sosinski at or 983-8561. You can also help by making a donation and supporting our fundraising events.